Monday 19 March 2012

Why You Should Get Custom Safety Vests With Logos

When you look at all of your safety gear, it can look quite bland and dry being just one bright color.  Sure it sticks out, but isn’t there more you can do to brighten up your safety equipment?  Well there is.  You can get custom safety vests with logos for your workers to wear.  There are a lot of reasons to customize your gear, but here are just some of the top reasons to help you understand why you must customize it.

Less Theft

I know this may sound silly, but what do you think someone would rather steal – something with someone’s name on it or something without it?  I think of it this way.  If I was to take something, I would much rather take something that couldn’t be traced back to a person or company.  How many times have you seen people wearing safety vests that looked like they had just taken them from someone else?  I see these kinds of people around town and on the side of the road all the time.  If you had your company’s logo and information on there then people would be less apt to take it for themselves.  This is a big reason to get custom safety vests with logos for your team.

Peace Of Mind

If you are a parent, then you know how easy it is to lose your child in a crowd when other kids are wearing similar colors.  If you could easily pick them out then it would make life so much easier.  Too bad you can’t put Bob’s son or Mary’s daughter on all of their clothing, but you can get custom safety vests with logos to know for sure who is on your job site or construction area at all times.  Imagine being able to pull up to a site and see everyone in the same custom safety vest with your logos.  You would have ultimate peace of mind knowing that everyone wearing a vest on that site is supposed to be there.

Free Advertising

If you will be getting custom safety vests with logos, then you may as well go the whole nine yards.  Not only can you put your logo, but put your other important information on there as well such as phone numbers.  They say that it takes up to seven exposures to an advertisement for it to really sink in.  Now imagine if you had safety vests with your company logo on it and people passing by saw it all the time, if ever they thought about needing a service from a company like yours, your company would pop in their head whether they realized it or not. 

Custom safety vests with logos are a great way to stop people from stealing your vests, to give you ultimate peace of mind and to get you some free advertising to boot.  If you already require your workers to wear safety vests, then you may as well get them branded with your logos as well.

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